My Story

Hi there :)

My name is Mary and I'm living in Galway in the West of Ireland. I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease almost 6 years ago in 2015.

The story begins with me going to the doctor to get tested for Coeliac disease because my Aunt was diagnosed with the disease. I didn't actually have any symptoms at all.. So it was quite a shock for both my Doctor and I when the blood tests came back positive. He referred me to the Coeliac clinic for an endoscopy. 

The camera and samples from the Endoscopy showed that my intestines were fairly destroyed from the old gluten. They recommended I immediately start a gluten free life and ever look back. To set the scene, I never really was too concerned with diet and exercise but I decided to give this diet a go as it was alarming that my insides were messed up and I didn't even know it.

After about 2 weeks of Gluten free my life changed.. I had no idea I was living in a state of fatigue. I literally felt like I was 10 years younger and I don't even think I felt that good at 18.

Of course going cold turkey was not smooth sailing at the start. About a month in I may have had a mini breakdown when I couldn't eat the pizza that everyone else was eating 😅

Once I did go the the gluten free diet, if I had gluten by accident after this, I did get symptoms that are much more severe than fatigue.

I thought about starting this blog lot over the last few years as I have learned so much since my diagnosis and I would be so happy if I could help others in the same situation.

It was be a tough diagnosis to hear and have to deal with but it is honestly one of the best things that has happened to me. It kickstarted me on a healthy journey and I'm loving life without the Gluten. 

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